<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/dating-website.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/dating-website.png" width="40px" /> Shortened URL link for easily sharing this page: http://bit.ly/ASCT_VA_Area_VirtualMeetings


<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/error--v1.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/error--v1.png" width="40px" /> Please be advised that while every effort will be made to post accurate meeting information or links, there may be instances in which a meeting has re-opened or changed status and the information has not yet reached us. Due to the continually evolving COVID-19 situation, it’s highly recommended you call or email a contact for the meeting, if one is available, to insure there will be a meeting-or consider attending phone or online meetings.


<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/150/000000/info--v1.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/150/000000/info--v1.png" width="40px" /> If you are unable to find a convenient local virtual or in-person meeting your district, the WSO (Al-Anon World Service Office) maintains a database of electronic & telephone Al-Anon meetings world-wide, free of charge: Al-Anon.org Meetings


<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/link--v1.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/link--v1.png" width="40px" /> See an error in meeting information? Broken link? Has your meeting information changed? Please let the ASCT know as soon as possible, so we can promptly correct it! Please contact us at [email protected] or [757-499-1443](tel: 757-499-1443)


District 01: Albemarle

For an Albemarle District virtual meetings list, please email [email protected] or call [(434) 972-7011](tel:(434) 972-7011)

District 02: Springfield-Annandale

Meeting information can be found at: https://alanonva.com/virtual-meetings/

District 03: Arlington

Meeting information can be found at: https://alanonva.com/virtual-meetings/

District 04: Blue Ridge

Meeting information can be found at: https://alanonva.com/virtual-meetings/

District 05: Bull Run

Meeting information can be found at: https://alanonva.com/virtual-meetings/

District 06: Central Valley

Meeting information for this district currently unavailable-we have reached out to the district and group representatives, and will place information here once it is available to us.

District 07: Eastern Shore

Tuesday 9:00 AM: Chincoteague AFG is continuing to meet in-person (with social distancing and masks required.) They meet Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. at the Refuge Motor Inn (Conference Room), located at 7058 Maddox Blvd, Chincoteague, VA 23336.

District 08: Fairfax

Meeting information can be found at: https://alanonva.com/virtual-meetings/